Several businesses located in the Normandy Fountain Business District inside the diverse neighborhood of North Beach, Miami Beach came together to found a business association for the purpose of growing the local community.
The highly walkable business district with 60+ small businesses decided to pool their resources and form a unified voice. At the center of this business district is the historic Normandy Fountain.
The Association has hosted family & pet-friendly FREE community events over the last six months. Ranging from Salsa Saturdays to Culture Crawls and even a Festival of Lights! The outpouring from the community has been overwhelming. Neighbors are grateful to have these events and to support their neighborhood businesses. They have asked for ways to donate and now that is possible through gofundme!
The Normandy Fountain Business Association was formed with the purpose of stabilizing and improving the Normandy Fountain Businesses through promotion, activation, marketing and similar services by representing and advocating for the property owners and business owners located within its boundaries by promoting and encouraging the continued development of a diverse and vibrant mixed-use neighborhood. The NFBA provides a dynamic setting for businesses, the visiting public, arts and entertainment, as well as area residents. The NFBA fosters a spirit of cooperation and maintenance of high standards of quality among its members. The NFBA is committed to creating a favorable environment, which will increase commercial and cultural activity within the Normandy Fountain business district.